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I am planning to use the Learning tag to create a series of posts about every online course I will take. The idea is to document everything in my blog. Having something that I can refer to is also super awesome.


The entire course is quite long. The way …

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In the second week of January I had a trip planned to Bangalore. The main goal here was to figure out some work in Bangalore and college.

However during the Sandakphu trek some of the trekkers there convinced me that Western Ghats is amazing and that I should absolutely trek …

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Growing up I've always been interested in trekking; So, naturally when a friend suggested that we should go for a trek in 2018, I was kinda skeptical and kinda excited. Skeptical mainly because it was a significant amount of money including all the equipment I had to buy for a …

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I've been an arm-chair environmentalist for far too long.

Starting 2019 I decided to do something real for a change. I am starting small and trying to optimize my consumption habits to have the least possible Carbon Footprint, as well as un-needed waste.

Plan of Action

"Optimize" often boils …

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This is going to be a brain-splatter for myself at the beginning of 2019. I feel like that I have some of my stuff sorted out by now, But I want to have a backup so that I can look back for reference if shit hits the fan.

Write more …

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Ever so often you meet someone and somehow certain conversations with them start destroying your perception of reality a small chunk at a time. After that the only thing that you can do is to pick up the pieces of your shattered world-view and construct a better model. I've been …

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In the previous post we looked at a Turing Machine and the Halting problem. A Halting problems is type of decision problem for a Turing Machine.

Recall that a Turing Machine has three final states:

  • Accept -> The machine accepts the string
  • Reject -> The machine rejects the string
  • Loop indefinitely -> The …

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In a previous post I talked briefly about Alan Turing's model of computation, called the Turing Machine.

Today we will look into this in more detail and discuss an interesting problem called the Halting problem.


Alan Turing was interested in what it meant to compute something. To fully grasp …

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So things got really interesting in the previous month.

After my degree course got over, I was supposed to join Deloitte as a campus recruit. Before the joining I attended the training program for campus recruits for about two weeks.

In the mean time I responded to a tweet about …

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I am writing this post because I am fascinated by the idea of infinity and I think it is something that we do not talk enough about.

Moreover off late I am reading about Theoretical Computer Science and I find encountering this concept again and again. I am just beginning …