This is going to be a brain-splatter for myself at the beginning of 2019. I feel like that I have some of my stuff sorted out by now, But I want to have a backup so that I can look back for reference if shit hits the fan.

Write more

I write much less than I would like to. That has to change. Writing is the single most important thing that helps me think better (just short of talking to myself). Also, I need to have these written things up on my blog so that I can reference them later.


I love complexity; I find complexity marvelous and breathtaking. I love to think about complex interconnected systems.

I can not explain this to people (yet) and I haven't figure out this part of myself completely yet. Just that certain seemingly simple things interest me a bit too much.

Environment is IMPORTANT

The environment is very very important. Do your best to reduce your carbon footprint and talk to people to spread the same message. Be annoying.

At 2019 the situation is worse enough that individual choices do not really matter; But you still want to be among those who can tell that "Yes, I did my part".

Think deeply

Think not only about what you need to do or what you will do; but also think about how what do you affects other things and people and systems.

You are not an isolated individual so every decision that you take has unseen ramifications. Think about those. Try to minimize damage as much as possible.

Also, try to make environment friendly decisions.

Be Curious

There is no upper limit to how much a human being can store in his/her head. Or even if there is, there is no scientific literature to support that claim.

So, be curious. Don't stop asking "why" until you are satisfied. And do not be satisfied easily. Be curious about the complexity. Learn about it. Marvel at it.

Be Skeptical

Verify EVERYTHING (well, almost everything). The internet knows more than any single person ever could.

Also read scientific papers cautiously, as scientific research can also be biased.

Be Flexible

Don't be rigid in your beliefs. Base them on facts. If the facts change, update your beliefs.

Adopt the Bayesian methodology of thinking and reasoning about the world.


Food is generally over-rated. It's only purpose is to keep the body healthy and not die. As long as it does that, things should be fine.

Remember, eat to live; not the other way around.

Vegetarian food is best. Stick to it. It's also more environment friendly.

Sugar is the worst.

Optimize Everything

A lot of the things that you do on a daily basis can be optimized so that they require less time and/or less effort.

Optimize them. Often the optimizations will be different depending on the parameter you choose to optimize on (time/effort). Be smart enough to figure out what to use when.


You definitely like trekking. It's okay to trek once in a while.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Re-purpose, Repair

Stick to these 5R's. These are good for you and the environment.


Embrace minimalism. You DO NOT need as much as you think you do.

Buy things that you would carry with you if you had to pack and up and leave the city in a days time.


You will probably keep moving for some time before having a permanent city to live in. This will have adverse effects on everything especially long term inter-personal relationships and owning things.


There is a very good chance that you are not going to be living in Kolkata any time soon. Get used to that fact. Family will always be more than 1500kms away.

Compound Interest

If you are reading this in your 20s, then this is for you.

Do stuff in your 20s that you would not mind doing for the rest of your life.

There is very good chance that what you do during your 20s will be what you end up doing for the rest of your life (mainly because doing something else requires a significant amount of time investment and to learn a new skill after 20s will become an increasingly difficult task).

Also, DO NOT be stupid with money.


Running is probably the most easiest way to keep fit. This is the exercise that requires the least amount of effort to get started (in terms of equipment and training).

For the sake of staying fit anything else is potentially a waste of time.

Buy it for life

Buy stuff that lasts a long time as opposed to stuff that is cheap.

Its more economical to do so in the long run and its more environment friendly and sustainable.

Also, Before buying something figure if you NEED it or if you WANT it.

It can make a lot of differences.