I am confused. When I got out of college i thought I had a plan. I would work for 2 years and then I would go off to university. I wasn't supposed to change jobs in those 2 years.
To say that things got fucked up, would be an understatement …
How many times when we want to do something do we stop and think that maybe what we are attempting to do is futile because we do not have what the pros have ?
maybe it's because you don't have that cutting edge climbing shoes, or that expensive camera, or that …
I've been an inquisitive kid when I was young. I remember picking up random things and asking endless series of questions etc etc. I still do all those. I can be relentless when it comes to looking for answers that do not satisfy my internal metric for truth.
This was …
In Part B we study functional programming languages with dynamic type checking. For this we use the programming language Racket which is a dialect of the LISP programming language. During the second week we also implement a programming language interpreter. Even though it is a toy language it gives a …
I like processes. Often is very difficult for me to get started with something if I do not have a process in place. Something about processes makes me feel safe and routine.
Recently I was struggling to read books and hence I decided that I needed to come up a …
So back in January 2019 I decided to reduce the amount of waste I produce on a monthly basis. Read it here
Initial plan was to behave "normally" for three months and then try the reduction thing. That did not work because I was inconsistent with maintaining the record.
But …
I had a realization very very recently.
This is the sort of thing that can happen only out of the blue when you are thinking about it in hindsight.
I went on a trek with a bunch of friends. It was an organized trek so there was an extended group …
About 2 weeks ago I uninstalled WhatsApp from my phone. This decision was many weeks into the making. Below, I will attempt to distill my experience and some insights I gained during this exercise. Whatever I have written below is completely based on my experience and even though I have …