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Can you spot something new ?

I decided last week that I wanted to use Pelican for building my blog instead of Jekyll. I have just switched in the last two days and this is the first post that I am writing from the Pelican built site.

There are a lot …

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Higher Order procedures

Lisp is a functional programming language

Lisp is a Metaprogramming Language

Actually, I really don't know what Lisp is myself and I'm just trying to figure it out; so the answer to the question "What programming paradigm does Lisp fall into ?" will have to wait for some …

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S-expressions or Sexprs or Symbolic Expressions are used to represented list like data. This was invented for and popularized by LISP. Lisp stands for LISt Processing.

A list looks like this (x y ... z)

A list can be made up of other lists as well. Like so (x (a …

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I started learning LISP (actually a dialect of LISP called Scheme) sometime back. The inspiration for learning Scheme was that it is a completely new programming paradigm i.e. functional programming language and I wanted to learn a non-Object-Oriented programming language. Anyway, so I looked at Haskell as its …

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Last Thursday (2 November, 2017) I completed my longest cycling ride (yet!). It was tiring and awesome at the same time. It took 7 hours to complete that too with multiple stops in the middle of the ride.

The Motivation

I've been planning to do a 100k ride for a …

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I have been interested in bicycles for as long as I can remember. For me they represent the ultimate form of Open Design and practical implications of physics in a much more feel-able way.

However I never owned a geared bicycle and ever since I moved to Bangalore I …

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This post is the result of a train of thought that was triggered by an interaction with a human being who is very close to me.


So this person recently got into a really cool training program in a cutting edge scientific field that is conducted by a …

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I got my first job on 14th April 2017. The company was Azim Premji Foundation and my official role was that of a Technical Consultant. In this I was to train the content-development team on the Ins and Outs of Linux and be a guide on their whole learning …

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We have been planning to set up a backup utility on Sam but somehow we never quite got around to actually doing it. However this week we finally decided to do it. We decided to try out Obnam. Things were going good until we needed to delete a directory …

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I live in Bangalore as I am studying in Bangalore. My hometown is Kolkata. I keep visiting Kolkata after every semester break which generally lasts for about 3 weeks.

The Decision

Coming to Bangalore was not a properly planned decision. Generally moving to a new city for studies is …