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Disclaimer and Introduction

I am by no means an expert in Data Science. I am just starting to explore the vast field of data science because of a lot of other cool things that I like reading about rely heavily on Data Analystics.

I was kind of stupid to ignore …

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I am an environmentalist. I have been an environmentalist for as long as I can remember, however recently (like for the past year or so) I am slowly transitioning from an arm-chair environmentalist to a vocal environmentalist.

As a part of this transitioning phase I have decided to learn about …

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This is the second part of my Lambda Calculus series. The first part can be found here. I strongly recommend reading it first before starting off with this one.

What is Computation ?

Lambda calculus is formal system for representing computation in Mathematical Logic. Sit and think about the phrase …

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I came to know about Savandurga Hill a couple of weeks back when me and my friend went there for a casual ride (motorcycle). When we went there the trekking part of the hill was already closed. This was okay since both of us did not plan on trekking anyway …

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I was considering the idea of moving to GNU GuixSD as my full time operating system for a long time. I tried GuixSD for some time but I gave up because I was frustrated with the config system. (I was un-doubtedly stupid back then)

That was then, This is now …

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Lambda Calculus is a beautiful thing in Computer Science.

With this post I will try to motivate and inspire the beauty of Lambda Calculus and impress upon the reader the implications of it.

This will just be a very very basic overview of Lambda Calculus. I can not write an …

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Free Software Movement Karnataka (FSMK) conducted a winter camp at Rajeev Institute of Technology, Hassan from 22nd January to 27th January.

It was a 6 day camp for the the participants with 2 days dedicated to volunteer training before the camp. In this camp we had three different areas of …

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In the previous post we talked about the first part of what it means to be a Higher-Order Function.

In this post we will talk about the second part of that idea. And, we will explore Higher-Order functions and First Class Functions/Citizens.

Procedures as returned values

In Scheme …

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What is Open Access ?

According to Wikipedia Open access refers to online research outputs that are free of all restrictions on access (e.g. access tolls) and free of many restrictions on use.

In simple terms Open Access means free information for all. It means that anyone irrespective of their …

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Starting out with Emacs

Like any other person who uses Linux I too started out by using vim as my default text editor. This was a time when I did not know the amazing world of vim plugins. It was a good journey for a while and over time my …